Sunday, July 1, 2007

June Critical Mass: Special New Orleans edition!

Locals I’d talked to about NOLA Critical Mass weren’t sure if the rides still happened, so it was with apprehension and hope that I showed up in Jackson Square at 5:30. There were two other cyclists there, and they didn’t seem to be there for a ride. I consulted a map to make sure I was in the right place, prompting a woman on the bench behind me to ask, “OK, where are you trying to go?” I chatted with her for a while, then with a guy she knew named Scratch. This guy was a character, half-covered in tattoos (including spiders dropping from the side of his eyes like teardrops!). Somehow ATM fees came up—one ATM fee I’d seen was $4—so I asked Scratch if there was an ATM for my bank in the area. There was one all of three blocks away, so I went off.

When I returned, much to my surprise, there was a group of 5 or 10 bikers standing in a clump in the Square. “There’s your Critical Mass,” said Scratch, who had been talking to them.

…more later!

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Hi Lauren! Saw your journal entry on the Bike and Build page and commented there, but feared that you wouldn't check back to see it. So below is a copy (BTW, D is my sister, Delilah Heshmat):

Critical Mass is awesome! My first introduction to it was on a trip to Vancouver in 2003. Unfortunately, I was in a rental car, but I had a great time bringing up the rear. It was like an enormous parade with people on unicycles juggling and everything.

I haven't been brave enough yet to join Critical Mass events in Albany -- there's so many angry motorists and ticket-happy Police that a barely recreational, 3-miles-is-far-enough cyclist like me gets easily overwhelmed. Maybe when D comes back we can go together!

In the meantime, you rock!

