Monday, June 18, 2007

coast to coast on two wheels

sadly, i will have to take a hiatus from chicago rides this summer. gladly, it's because i'm busy riding my bike across the country! i'm riding with bike & build, a nonprofit that raises money and awareness for affordable housing causes across the nation. i'm on the southern route, riding from jacksonville, FL to san francisco. you can follow my trip on our blog, updated by a different rider each day. (well, until we run out of riders; then we start over again.)

though i'm obviously sad to miss CCM, especially june's rumored jaunt up sheridan road, i'll be doing my best to mass from the road. for june's CM, we'll be in new orleans! so i have declared that i am totally going, and that everyone else should go, too. it seems they meet in jackson square at the usual time of 5:30. (we're in n'awlins for a while doing build days and whatnot, so getting a bike map of the city will be high on my to-do list). for july we'll be in kayenta, AZ, though, and i'm just guessing that they don't have a critical mass up and running. alas. we arrive in san francisco on august 16, and i'm going to couch-surf until the SFCM on the 31st. and of COURSE i'll be in chicago for the 10-year anniversary mass in september.

ok, this public library closes soon so i best wrap it up. um, biking all day is fun! our first ride, 60 miles, was the longest i had done to date. but i did it! and i did another 60 miles the next day, and another 60 the next. today we had an easy day of a mere 50 miles. oh my legs will be so mighty, and my brooks will be so broken in.

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